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Project 1:Disability Experience pavilion

From old ages, music is an vital enjoyment that soothes the soul, but how does the deaf enjoy it?
The Deaf enjoy music by feeling the rhythm and beat through different degrees of vibration.
By incorporating the concept and requirements of "Deafspace", the pavilion aims to allow the deaf to enjoy music and encourage empathy among the non-deaf to the deaf.
A series of steps acting as a recreational activity benefits all age groups especially the deaf in different aspects, which are training balance within children, boosting mental health within adulthood and physical health within the elderly.

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Explore on deafness and hard on hearing case studies and their daily life.

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Final board

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Final Reflection

In this assignment, we have learn about disability people characteristic and have a detail understand about them. It help us to improve our design in the future to help them live more easier.

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